The Mantilla Foundation

We believe that everyone has, at some stage in their lives, created art which they have later come to regret. The Mantilla Foundation provides a bespoke cremation service for regretted works of art. Artists are invited to submit the works to an anonymous mail box, from which they are collected and thereafter cremated. Closure is renewal; the phoenix shall rise from the ashes. Just let go....

To date the Foundation has received over three hundred and eighty works of art via its anonymous mailbox. Works submitted cover many different media ranging from stone sculptures, life sized oil paintings, a sunken cake, teenage love letters and architectural plans to a World War II diary entry.

Though legally bound to protect the anonymity of submitting artists, we are pleased to disclose that - alongside hundreds of submissions from professional and amateur artists - the Foundation has received the work of one major Scottish artist who regularly provokes controversy in the national press. The last burning took place in April, the precise location of which cannot be revealed for security reasons.

The Mantilla Foundation regularly appear at major arts events across Europe and North America, including the London Art Fair, ARCO (Madrid) and The Armory Show (New York). The foundation have advertised at numerous British Art Schools and in the leading arts journal Frieze earlier this year.